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The Lee’s Photo Session at Iao Valley

As I greeted Sarina, her husband, and their two energetic daughters at the entrance of Iao Valley, I could feel the excitement and anticipation. This was their annual Maui vacation, and this year, they were determined to create a truly memorable experience.

Sarina had reached out to me, a Maui family photographer, with a specific request: she wanted to step away from the typical beach setting and explore the lush, verdant landscapes of Iao Valley. “Picturesque photos, rich in color, posed and candid – that’s what we’re after”.


Iao Valley holds a special place in Hawaiian history, as it was the site of the Battle of Kepaniwai in 1790 – a pivotal moment that shaped the islands’ past.

As we explored the trails and river views, the girls -age 8 and 4- had the opportunity to play and explore. We captured their infectious smiles, as well as the tender moments shared between the family members. The overcast skies, a common occurrence in Iao, is a blessing, allowing us to take photographs in the middle of the day without the harsh shadows and lighting that often impact beach sessions.

Exploring the Chinese Gardens

This serene oasis was established in 1952 to celebrate the diverse heritage of Hawaii’s immigrant populations. As we strolled through the garden, the family was surrounded by pagodas, koi fish ponds, and a sense of tranquility.

Crafting Lasting Memories with Vanessa Arias Photography

At Vanessa Arias Photography, we believe that every family is unique.

Whether you’re seeking a non-traditional setting like Iao Valley or the classic beach backdrop, our team of experienced Maui family photographers will work closely with you to craft a personalized experience that reflects your family’s unique personality and style.

Contact us today!


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